North Rockland, APRIL 2018

April 20, 2018 | North Rockland Conference Day

Teaching in Active Learning Spaces (Randy Hall, BIO)

Session 1: 9:00-10:25

Session 2: 10:35-12:00


Active learning classrooms and flexible learning spaces bring new opportunities for engaging digital-ready students with digital-ready classrooms. In this session, we'll explore various principles and practices for maximizing the planning and delivery of instruction in these innovative learning environments. Participants will gain insights into general principles for space design, why configurations and zones play a crucial role, how to plan for transitions, when and how to make use of multiple room displays, and participate in a few simple active learning activity structures that can be applied in any classroom.


  • Imagine… What would be your challenges in an active learning classroom?

  • Visualizing the Shifts in Teaching & Learning

    • Mission Kits & Di-scussion

  • LATIC -- Watch, Read, Try

  • QFT -- strategies and spaces for active learning